Written as 孟涛
Email: tmeng [at] cs [dot] ucla [dot] edu
I am a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science, UCLA. I'm working with Prof. Kai-Wei Chang focusing on problems in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. Generally, I am working on incorporating constraints in machine learning and natural language processing models. I aim to encode human knowledge into constraints, and control the behaviours of existing models by constrained inference. My resume is available here.
I got my bachelor's degree at IIIS (Yao's Class) in Tsinghua University.* [09.2022] Our paper Controllable Text Generation with Neurally-Decomposed Oracle is designated as an Oral at NeurIPS 2022.
* [09.2022] Our paper InsNet: An Efficient, Flexible, and Performant Insertion-based Text Generation Model has been accepted by NeurIPS 2022.
* [05.2021] Our paper An Integer Linear Programming Framework for Mining Constraints from Data has been accepted by ICML 2021.
* [04.2021] Our paper GEMNET: Effective Gated Gazetteer Representations for Recognizing Complex Entities in Low-context Input has been accepted by NAACL 2021.
* [04.2020] Our paper SentiBERT: An Effective, Transferable and Interpretable Architecture for Compositional Sentiment Semantics has been accepted by ACL 2020.
* [04.2020] Our paper On the Robustness of Language Encoders against Grammatical Errors has been accepted by ACL 2020.
* [04.2020] Our paper Mitigating Gender Bias Amplification in Distribution by Posterior Regularization has been accepted by ACL 2020.
Honghua Zhang, Liunian Harold Li, Tao Meng, Kai-Wei Chang, Guy Van den Broeck.
Arxiv preprint.
Sidi Lu, Tao Meng, Nanyun Peng
Neural Information Processing Systems. NeurIPS 2022.
Tao Meng*, Sidi Lu*, Nanyun Peng, Kai-Wei Chang
Neural Information Processing Systems. NeurIPS 2022 (Oral).
Tao Meng, Kai-Wei Chang.
International Conference on Machine Learning. ICML 2021.
Tao Meng, Anjie Fang, Oleg Rokhlenko and Shervin Malmasi.
Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. NAACL 2021.
Da Yin, Tao Meng, Kai-Wei Chang.
Association for Computational Linguistics. ACL 2020.
Fan Yin, Quanyu Long, Tao Meng, Kai-Wei Chang.
Association for Computational Linguistics. ACL 2020.
Shengyu Jia*, Tao Meng*, Jieyu Zhao, Kai-Wei Chang.
Association for Computational Linguistics. ACL 2020.
Tao Meng, Nanyun Peng, Kai-Wei Chang
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. EMNLP 2019.