Tao Meng

Written as 孟涛

Email: tmeng [at] cs [dot] ucla [dot] edu

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science, UCLA. I'm working with Prof. Kai-Wei Chang focusing on problems in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. Generally, I am working on incorporating constraints in machine learning and natural language processing models. I aim to encode human knowledge into constraints, and control the behaviours of existing models by constrained inference. My resume is available here.

I got my bachelor's degree at IIIS (Yao's Class) in Tsinghua University.

Recent News

* [09.2022] Our paper Controllable Text Generation with Neurally-Decomposed Oracle is designated as an Oral at NeurIPS 2022.

* [09.2022] Our paper InsNet: An Efficient, Flexible, and Performant Insertion-based Text Generation Model has been accepted by NeurIPS 2022.

* [05.2021] Our paper An Integer Linear Programming Framework for Mining Constraints from Data has been accepted by ICML 2021.

* [04.2021] Our paper GEMNET: Effective Gated Gazetteer Representations for Recognizing Complex Entities in Low-context Input has been accepted by NAACL 2021.

* [04.2020] Our paper SentiBERT: An Effective, Transferable and Interpretable Architecture for Compositional Sentiment Semantics has been accepted by ACL 2020.

* [04.2020] Our paper On the Robustness of Language Encoders against Grammatical Errors has been accepted by ACL 2020.

* [04.2020] Our paper Mitigating Gender Bias Amplification in Distribution by Posterior Regularization has been accepted by ACL 2020.

Not That New News


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